This site is strictly for information purpose only.
Fastbender is a conduit bending solution. We place marks on conduits at 90 degree intervals. You can use these marks to keep your bends on the same plane while you’re bending. We need your support, Please share your interest. Thanks!
( Conduit and Marks shown below do not represent actual end product. What is shown are prototype design to illustrate concept. )
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Fastbender Inspiration
Fastbender was developed with the goal to assist electricians in their first 5 years of training. Nowadays, It’s too hard to hide your learning curve of bending conduit. The usual complaints may be that you’re taking too much time or you have too much waste. Which is why we are glad to inform you that there is nothing on the market that will silently help you more than using conduit with the Fastbender marks. Show your interest in Fastbender by submitting your email and help us get Fastbender in your hands right away.
Less time eyeballing alignment of bends. Either eliminate or spend less time fixing the dreaded dog-leg.
By adding lines directly on the conduit, locating any of your bending planes are now easier.
No more add on tools to store in your bags. No more using multiple levels on scissor lifts or slanted rooftops.

The New Way To Bend Conduit
Fastbender revolutionizes the way you can bend conduit so you get closer to that perfect bend every time. Measuring, marking, and your own knowledge. This is all you need now.
About FastBender
The Fastbender simple solution is to mark each conduit along it’s fully body length at 90 degree intervals.

FastBender Users Speak Out
Using Fastbender is very helpful and really helps prevent doglegging. I have saved a great deal of time since I implemented the Fastbender method with my business and I would highly recommend any Electrician try it.
This product sell’s itself. More productivity, quality install, in a fraction of the time. Enough said.
Wow! The Fastbender idea is truly revolutionary. I am a union electrician and a 16 year veteran at bending conduit. I can’t wait to see this on the market. Fastbender is a true time saver.
Bending conduit has been extremely difficult for me. I tried Fastbender for the first time today and I immediately noticed the difference. Not only am I faster at bending, but i am more confident using the method…. With Fastbender I just cut my bending time down by two thirds! Now when I’m asked if I can bend conduit, I can confidently say that I can.
Fastbender really opened my eyes to seeing the conduit on the different plane as I rotated the conduit to change the direction.
Frequently Asked Questions About FastBender
When you start bending, bend on any marks that are lined up with a mark on your bender head tool. This will allow you to rotate back to bend on the same plane / mark.
Yes, the Fastbender marks are Patent Pending.
You can enter your email address here on our site to be put on our update list, or check our website for updates. was developed as informational only. We will post partnership information and will share info with you when you enter your email address for updates. Don’t worry, we won’t sell or rent your email address to anyone else.
YES! Having multiple marks alongside the full length of conduit is far superior to having just one point of reference which is what you have when you are using a No-Dog screw on tool to eliminate Dog-Legging.
Yes. We will be uploading many videos and other tutorial information which will help illustrate how to take full advantage of the Fastbender method. You can contact us here on our website as well.
No. You will still need to know and be proficient at bending degrees and your take ups. Fastbender marks are merely there to help you keep those bends on the same bending plane.
Unfortunately no. There are various reasons why Dog-Legging cannot be solved 100% of the time.
Using imperfect conduit that may be slightly pre-bent. Or using a hand bender with a shoe head that might be damaged and may not allow the conduit to sit correctly are just a few reasons that you could still experience some dog-legging.
But the Fastbender lines will greatly help you get back on track to fix those dog-legging woes.
Because you are using the Fastbender marks on more of your bends along the full length of conduit, our studies have shown that the Fastbender marks are used around 80% – 90% of the time.